Team Members

Jonny Sadler
Manchester Climate Change Agency

The Manchester Climate Change Agency is responsible for facilitating the successful delivery of Manchester’s climate change strategy for 2017-50 and the city’s aim to become a ‘zero carbon, zero waste, climate resilient city by 2050, or sooner to ensure Manchester makes its full contribution to the Paris Agreement’. As Programme Director Jonny is responsible for the operation of the Agency and leads on the development of citywide climate change policy, programmes, strategic partnerships, and funding for the implementation of strategic initiatives. Working with local and national partners, the Agency works to engage and give a voice to all 530,000 residents and 18,000 businesses in the city, to enable them to collectively define the city’s future and play a part in making it happen. Jonny was previously Head of Environmental Strategy at Manchester City Council.


Michelle Oddy
Manchester City Council

Michelle has been a project manager at Manchester City Council for 10 years. She works in People, Policy and Reform and is currently the Project Co-ordinator of GrowGreen. Prior to this role, she managed Triangulum, another Horizon 2020 funded Smart City project focussed on energy and mobility. Michelle has an Msc. in Building Surveying and prior to working on European research projects, was a construction Project Manager within the Council working on the Building Schools for the Future Programme working specifically on sustainable design and community engagement. She also worked on the Education Funding Agency Priority School Building programme. Prior to joining Manchester City Council Michelle had a variety of professional experience in different sectors. She started her career as an Economics and Business Studies teacher, followed by a financial training role in the banking sector and latterly working as an education and skills advisor on a regeneration project for Rochdale Council.


Katerina Betsou
Manchester City Council

Katerina is a Project Officer for Strategic Development, and has worked for Manchester City Council for 13 years, mostly working on housing regeneration projects. She currently works in Strategic Development focusing on the regeneration of the West Gorton neighbourhood. Katerina has lots of experience in community engagement and consultation and enjoys working with local residents to support them through changes in their area.
Prior to joining Manchester City Council, Katerina worked as a professional translator, English and German teacher in Greece.


Catherine Fallon
Manchester City Council

Catherine is a landscape architect and project manager who has worked at Manchester City Council since 2005. Prior to joining the GrowGreen team in the summer of 2017 she has worked on a range of landscape projects, including a Victorian historic park regeneration project, highways infrastructure schemes, school playgrounds, local parks and private gardens. She has a degree in Landscape Design from the University of Manchester and qualified as a chartered landscape architect in 2007.


Ernesto Faubel-Cubells
Ajuntamient de Valencia

Computer Engineer. Master in CAD/CAM/CIM by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV). Diploma in ‘Advanced Course in Local Government Management’ by National Institute for Public Administration. Diploma of University Expert in e-education by UPV. Up to now I have developed most of my professional career combining my activity in the Municipality of Valencia and UPV. In local government as a Computer Engineer, holding different level of responsibility. Nowadays, I am IT Project Head Analyst as the Head of the Computerized Mapping Office in Urban Planning Department. At UPV as a Part-time teacher at the School of Building Engineering, teaching some subjects related to CAD, GIS and BIM. Vice-President of the Professional Board of Computer Engineers in Valencian Region.


Empar Soriano Abril.
Public Policy Specialist, Las Naves

University degree in Social Work from the University of Valencia, and Master in Public and Social Policy from the Pompeu Fabra University and the Johns Hopkins University. She is currently the responsible for Analysis and Evaluation of Public Policy matters at Las Naves. She has more than 10 years of experience in the design and implementation of public policies in countries like Peru, Paraguay and Bolivia, where she has advised their national government and several local governments on different areas.


Gema Roig Pallardó
Smart city specialist, Las Naves

Engineer in Telecommunications by Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), MSc in Electronics and Communication by University of Gävle, Specialist in Communications and Development of Mobile Services and MSc in Technologies, Systems and Communications Networks by UPV. She has been coordinating EU projects and smart city projects for the city of Valencia. Previously, she was R&D Manager at the company SAI Wireless, developing MIMOV product, a mobile phone for seniors. She was researcher at iTEAM group at UPV and at the Swedish company ITVArena, researching in the area of mobile network planning.


Maite Nácher
Journalist, Las Naves

Degree in Journalism. Specialized in Institutional and Corporate Communication. She currently works in the Communication Department of Las Naves.


Małgorzata Bartyna-Zielińska
Wroclaw Municipality

I have been working for Wroclaw Municipality since May 2006. For over nine years I have worked as an urban planner in Wroclaw Development Office, creating local area plans, city master plans. Working there I got interested in the Smart City concept. In May 2015, I became Wroclaw’s Smart City Project Coordinator, focusing on sustainable development. Since June 2017, I have held the position of Wroclaw City Gardener. One of my main goals is to promote nature-based solutions in the City of Wroclaw. My role in GrowGreen is to manage the project from Wroclaw Municipality side and will be responsible for creating Wrocław Green Infrastructure Strategy. Since May 2015 I have been President of the Polish Town Planners Society – Wroclaw Division.


Joanna Szalkiewicz
Wroclaw Municipality

Currently in charge of non-infrastructure EU projects department in Funds Management Division. For 18 years employee of the Municipality. Previously a Specialist in City Programs Coordination Office. For 10 years Manager of the Social Projects in the European Funds Management Office. From 2 years, Deputy Director of the Funds Management Division. Authorised by the Mayor of Wroclaw to apply for external financial resources.


Katarzyna Janicka-Krzemien
Wroclaw Municipality

Currently working at the Municipality of Wrocław in Funds Management Division.
9 years experience as a EU Project Specialist. For five years engaged in international projects on the subject of i.e. environment, sustainable transport, innovative solutions in cities. Graduated from International Economics, Projects and European Found Management at the Wrocław University of Economics as a Master of Economics and Management.


Mr Nicolas FLOCH
Brest Metropole

Mr Nicolas FLOCH is Head of the storm water and environmental engineering division being part of Urban Ecology Direction since 2012, he will be the project officer. He works on the city resilience to flooding threw the storm water management master plan, is studying nature based solutions potential application on existing buildings to improve drainage system efficiency levels. He is in charge of the storm water works program, budget management, litigation expertise. He also manages the external fire protection system. He holds a Civil Engineering and Urban Planning degree from the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) in Rennes (Fr) one of France’s top Graduate Schools of Engineering. He has been working as pipe building work manager for SADE company in Nantes (Fr) for three years and he has been project manager on Water supply system and Waste water treatment system at Brest metropole for 5 years.


Giovanna Franzelli
Comune di Modena

Since October 2014, Giovanna is the Head Officer of the Office for Environment Public Services at the Environment, Civil protection, Mobility and Territorial safety Department. In her role, she has been dealing with the management of the integrated water service and of the hydro-geological surface system. Prior to this office, since September 1982, she worked, as Biologist, at the City of Modena – Environment Department, and from June 1989 up to September 2014, Giovanna was the Head Officer of the Service for the Protection of Natural Heritage with activities mainly addressed towards protection, promotion and management of public green and protection of rights and management of animals’ shelters.


Sara Toniolo
Comune di Modena

With a degree in Engineering for Environmental sustainability at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (2006), Sara, since 2009, is in charge of the Technical office of Comune di Modena that deals with hydraulic works, sewage disposal plant and waste water. Sara is the contact person/referent of the City of Modena for integrated hydric service, superficial water system and, since 2011, for Civil Protection.


Giorgio Barelli
Comune di Modena

Giorgio is a Technical Civil Servant in Comune di Modena. He has a Degree in Geology at the University of Modena (1984) and, from 1984 to 1991, he worked with a scholarship at the Environment Department of of the City of Modena on aquifer and subsidence. From 1992 to 2013, Giorgio he has been Geologist Technical Civil Servant at the Environment Department of the Province of Modena on extractive methods, environment and civil protection. Since 2004, he has been working for the City of Modena as Technical Civil Servant on extractive and quarrying methods, environment and geology.


Maria Gina Mussini
Comune di Modena

Graduated at the Law Faculty of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (2002), Maria Gina, from March 2003 until now, she has been working at the Bureau for European policies and International relations of the City of Modena in the field of European information and communication and European Project Manager. In particular, she manages administrative and financial aspects of European projects. In these years, she has been working on several EU projects as: BELIEF, RACES, AD PERSONAM, CONNECT, GROW GREEN and MOVECIT on environmental, climate resilience, energy and mobility issues; SAMERU on old users road safety. She also relates and keeps contacts with the referents of the Italian Network CIVINET, part of the European initiative CIVITAS, on sustainable mobility, and with the referents of Energy Cities, the European cities network on energy and environment protection.


Giuseppe Carlo Caruso
Comune di Modena

Graduated in Political Sciences with specialisation in social policies/sociology at the University of Bologna – Faculty of Political Sciences (1992), from June 1999 until now, he has been working at the Bureau for European policies and International relations of the City of Modena, as European Project Manager. Beside GROW GREEN, at the moment he is in the team of the CLASS project, financed in the frame of the Horizon 2020 Programme, aiming at testing innovative software and devices for intelligent urban mobility solutions; and the MOVECIT project, co-financed in the frame of the Interreg Central Europe Programme, whose main goal is to define a sustainable mobility plan for all civil servants working in the City of Modena.


Žana Klaric
City of Zadar

Žana Klaric has a 19 years of experience of working on environmental protection. Currently she works in Administrative Department for communal activities and environmental protection of the City of Zadar, Croatia. Before working in this Department she has also worked in departments related to energy efficiency and islands development so has also experiences in those sectors. The present job includes developing documents regarding to environmental protection, especially waste and implementation of the obligations of local self-government that are prescribed by the environment regulations.


Ivan Plazina
City of Zadar

I was born in Zadar, I am 31 years old. I graduated from the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management in Opatija, and after that, I finished a faculty of environmental engineering in Zagreb. I worked as a student in the catering industry and completed a cocktail bartender course. I worked as a senior Environmental Associate in the City of Zadar in the Environmental Protection Department. Today I work in the EU funds department. Aside from working, I spend my free time on basketball and volleyball, and I’m a big fan of motorcycling and motorcycle racing. I love nature and often spend time in it – if I’m not in the mountains then I’m at sea with my boat.


Adam Barker
University of Manchester

I am an Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Spatial Planning in the School of Environment, Education and Development (SEED) at the University of Manchester, UK. My research specialises in the governance of complex socio-ecological challenges. In addition to working on GrowGreen, I am currently working on two UK Research Council funded studies. This first of these seeks to explore the barriers and opportunities to the integration of Green Infrastructure within new development. The second relates to the role of Nature Based Solutions in overcoming the challenges of urban well-being and ageing. I teach environmental planning and management modules to both undergraduate and postgraduate students and have supervised a range of PhD student projects on themes linked to Green Infrastructure, landscape management and environmental assessment. Outside work I am a keen mountain biker, fell-walker and advocate of craft beer.


Rebecca Ward
University of Cambridge

Rebecca originally joined the Energy Efficient Cities initiative in April 2011 under a Daphne Jackson Fellowship funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering, to work in the area of energy modelling and simulation with Dr Ruchi Choudhary. At that time she was investigating the potential to reduce carbon emissions arising from the supply and use of energy in the buildings at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, which involved the environmental performance modelling of individual buildings and the development of a bespoke model for the ornamental glasshouses. Currently, in addition to studying the stochastic energy simulation of buildings and parameterisation of uncertainty in building energy simulation models, she is responsible for the ongoing development of the department’s Greenhouse Energy Simulator program, and involved in environmental monitoring and simulation projects with Growing Underground, an underground farm in Clapham, London and in the Cambridge University Engineering Department.


Professor Jerzy Zwozdziak
Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences

Director at the Environmental Risk Assessment and Ecosystem Monitoring Centre, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences. Involved in the organization of scientific research projects in cooperation with international research centres, carries out the projects in the field of: environmental impact assessment, air pollution emission reduction, renewable energy sources, industrial and agricultural odour neutralization techniques, industrial waste utilization methods. Prof. Zwozdziak is also working on developing BATs for pollution prevention and control for pilot plants implementing the EU Directive. In addition to scientific activities, Prof. Zwozdziak is involved in many actions aimed at promoting regional and national development. He holds the position of: Advisor to the Governor (Voivode) of Lower Silesia, Poland (since 2003); Advisor to the Polish Minister of Environment (since 1992); Advisor to the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (since 2002); Member of The General Directorate for Environmental Protection (GDEP) (since 2002); Member of the State Committee for Scientific Research, Natural Environment Protection Section (KBN) (since 2002); and Member of the Polish Academy of Science, Institute of Environmental Engineering Scientific Council (since 1991). Currently, Prof. Zwozdziak is a GrowGreen Project manager on behalf of the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences.


Dr. Kornelia Kwiecinska:
Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences

Holds a Master’s degree in Chemistry (specialization: Chemistry of Environment) from the University of Wroclaw and a Ph.D. degree in Environmental Engineering from the Technical University of Wroclaw. An employee of the Environmental Risk Management and Ecosystem Monitoring Centre at the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences. Author and co-author of numerous articles, publications, reports and expert opinions in the field of environmental protection and engineering. Participant of many international conferences and scientific workshops on environmental protection, as well as programmes and projects (i.a. realized by the Association Climate KIC). Author of many projects related to green infrastructure (green roofs, biologically active surfaces, shelterbelts, vegetative environmental buffers), also performs works of a court expert in the field of environmental protection. Currently carries out tasks in the GrowGreen Project.


Dr. Eng. Lukasz Szalata:
Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences

holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from the Technical University of Wroclaw and a Ph.D. degree in Economy (specialization: Economy of Environment) from the Wroclaw University of Economics. Also completed a scholarship at the Technical University of Brandenburg in Cottbus. An employee of the Environmental Risk Management and Ecosystem Monitoring Centre at the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences. Lukasz Szalata remains in constant cooperation with Environmental Monitoring Department of the Regional Environmental Protection Inspectorate in Wroclaw. A member of “NOT” – the Water Engineers and Land Improvement Technicians Association; a member of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, a member of the Middle Odra River Water Region Management Council. Between 2003 and 2007: an employee of the Regional Water Management Board in Wroclaw, International Cooperation and European Union Integration Department; 2008 – 2010: International Commission for the Protection of the Odra River Against Pollution (ICPO) in Wroclaw – scientific officer. Participant of Polish and international conferences, dedicated to the issues environmental protection and water management. Author of publications in professional journals in economics, environmental engineering and protection. Currently carries out tasks in the GrowGreen Project.


Elisa Peñalvo López
Polytechnic University of Valencia

Member of the consortium of the H2020 funded project “Grow Green”. Doctorate in Energy Technology with Electrical intensification. Industrial Engineer, Master’s Degree in Renewable Energies – Energy Efficiency and Master’s Degree in Energy Technologies for a Sustainable Development. She teaches at the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Valencia since 2015. 15 years of research experience, mainly in the field of Energy and Sustainability. More specifically, her research work is on Distributed Energy Resources and Hybrid Renewable Systems, Energy Efficiency, Energy Sustainability and Energy Markets.


Javier Orozco Messana
Polytechnic University of Valencia

Born in Valencia (Spain) in September 1962 he has worked both for Industry and at the University. Always focused on R+D and education responsibilities he has been senior manager for many years with an applied science focus. See a full description in: . Currently his research interests are focused on Materials for Energy and Building Sustainability.


John Holden
Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Mr. John Holden is the Assistant Director Strategy and Research at GMCA. John leads a team of researchers and strategists with expertise in economic growth and public service reform. He has extensive experience developing research, strategies and projects that drive growth and reform. John is part of the leadership team for the GMCA’s Cost Benefit Analysis methodology, which has been included in HM Treasury’s Green Book. He also leads the GMCA’s work as the North West of England’s Research Hub, the Core Cities Research and Development Hub, and as the local partner for the What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth. John studied at the University of Manchester, achieving a BA in economic and social studies; and has an MA in political economy.


Rupert Greenhalgh
Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Mr. Rupert Greenhalgh is a Principal Researcher and leads GMCA’s Economics team and research programme. Rupert has over twenty years in local economic development and has worked for both local and central government organisations, as well as in the not for profit and commercial consultancy. Rupert is currently working on regional research on the economy and eco-innovation; and also leads GMCA’s research portfolio covering economy, Brexit, and industrial sectors. Rupert has previously held senior research roles at the Centre for Local Economics Strategies, Head of the Manchester Independent Economics Review Secretariat. Rupert studied at The University of Sheffield, and Cranfield University, and has a BSc (Hons) in Geography and an MSc in Environmental Resource Management.


Matthew Mirecki
Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Mr. Matthew Mirecki is a Lead Analyst within GMCA’s Economics team and research programme. Matthew has extensive experience in economic and public policy research and has worked in both the public and private sectors in the UK as well as internationally. Matthew works on GMCA’s regional research on the economy, including leading GMCA’s research on Brexit and contributing to the economic analysis underpinning the GMSF, in addition to managing GMCA’s research portfolio for The Growth Company. Matthew studied at Loughborough University and SOAS, and has a BSc (Hons) and an MSc in Economics.


Lucy Woodbine
Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Ms Lucy Woodbine is a Principal Researcher and leads GMCA’s planning, housing and environment research programme which includes overseeing Greater Manchester’s land supply review and infrastructure investment prioritisation work. Lucy leads the production Housing & planning and Environment evidence bases within the Integrated Greater Manchester Assessment. She also led the development of the Greater Manchester Open Data Infrastructure Map (GMODIN: the first city region social and physical infrastructure map in the UK. Prior to joining GMCA (formerly New Economy), Lucy worked in the policy and research team of large national housing provider. Lucy has a BA in Anthropology and Law from London School of Economics and an MSc in Public Policy from University College London.


Chantal van Ham
IUCN Europe

Chantal van Ham is responsible for IUCNs activities on urban biodiversity and the cooperation with subnational governments in Europe. She develops and coordinates projects for biodiversity and ecosystems services conservation, restoration and valuation that help policy-makers, cities, local and regional governments find nature-based solutions for sustainable development, by mobilising IUCN knowledge and best practices. She represents IUCN in networks and fora at the European and global level to raise awareness of the value of nature-based solutions for improving quality of life, as well as economic prosperity.


Kate Reilly
IUCN Europe

Kate is a programme officer in the nature based solutions team at IUCN and is involved in communications for GrowGreen, as well as projects on aquatic ecosystem-based management and support to Target 2 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy. Prior to joining IUCN, Kate studied for her PhD in water resources management at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. She has previously worked in consulting on aquatic ecology and EU environmental policy. She has an MSc in integrated water resource management from McGill University and a BSc in ecological science from the University of Edinburgh.


Jérôme Koundouno
IUCN Europe

Jérôme is a project officer in the global water team at IUCN headquarters. He is coordinating the technical support to GrowGreen on water resilience, governance and equity issues in NBS dialogue and policy development, and on connecting the project with other water and climate international networks for synergy. In parallel, he is involved in several projects worldwide on water governance, ecosystem-based adaptation and benefit-sharing in river basins, and the water-energy-food-ecosystems Nexus.


Clara Corbella Vidal

Clara Corbella Vidal is a Civil Engineer. She holds a PhD in Environmental Engineering by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Her PhD focused on the link between wastewater treatment and energy generation. In this context, she has made several contributions in national and international conferences and published 8 articles in peer review journals. Currently she works as a researcher in LEITAT technological center and specifically in Environmental and Bio Technologies team. She participates in different projects related to the innovation of Nature Based Solutions, Wastewater Treatment Technologies and Bioelectrochemical Systems.


Xavier Simón Font

Xavier Simón Font holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering by the University of Barcelona (UB). His professional career has been focused in R&D in water treatment and purification. He has participated in several national and international R&D projects focusing on technologies such as: membranes treatments, nature based solutions and advanced /electrochemical oxidation processes. He attended numerous congresses and he has published several articles in international and national journals. He combined research activities with assistant professor in Chemical Engineering at UB. Currently he is the principal researcher of the Separation & Purification Technologies Unit in LEITAT Technological Centre.


Ian Kershaw
Business Development Manager – The Guinness Partnership Limited.

I have worked at Guinness for over 8 years where I initiate affordable housing projects. This included input on the West Gorton estate, located in Manchester, where we refurbished 144 properties and delivered 33 new build houses. Here we also demolished two redundant housing blocks where the land may be developed for future private new build housing. I am proud to be working on the Grow Green initiative where with our partners we aim to find replicable Nature Based Solutions for flooding and heat stress, and in doing so will help create lasting change to West Gorton.


Gemma Garcia Blanco

Member of the H2020 funded project GrowGreen consortium as part of the Technical and Innovation Management team. Geography BA in Geography by the University of Oviedo, Spain and MSc in Environmental Management by the School of Environmental Sciences of the University of East Anglia, UK. She is currently engaged as researcher at TECNALIA in the Energy and Environment Division, with more than 13 years of research experience on the fields of spatial planning, integrated territorial analysis, environmental impact assessment and management, strengthening initiatives for public administrations at all governance levels, including international cooperation activities. More recent research interests include climate change adaptation, urban adaptation strategies with focus on ecosystem based adaptation and innovative planning. Ms Garcia has extensive experience in participation in European and international projects with multidisciplinary teams and large consortiums.


Alina Shelest

I am an international relations & marketing specialist working at Wroclaw Agglomeration Development Agency. My leading area of responsibility at ARAW is the “Study in Wroclaw” project which promotes Wroclaw universities abroad and provides support to foreign students in Wroclaw. Also I am involved in implementation of EU projects in the areas of investment attraction and infrastructure development. I graduated from Wroclaw University of Economics and obtained a Master’s degree in Strategic Management.


Bruno Sauer
Urban Planner and Architect (Antwerp, Belgium).

Bruno has a leading position at Green Building Council Spain (GBCE, VERDE certificate, Mr. Sauer has taught Urbanism for the last 14 years in the European University and the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He has forged a successful reputation as a provider of highly-skilled expert assistance in the area of sustainability within the different scales of urbanism (territory, city, buildings), including green buildings and sustainable urban development. He has developed policy-making strategies and White Papers on Sustainable Building – Exhibitions and conferences on Ecological Materials and its Economic Impact. In addition, Bruno has previous experience in European projects such as Ecodistr-ICT (FP7) and other innovation programs such as Smart Sustainable Districts and other programs of Climate KIC.


Blanca Pedrola
Architectural Engineer (IIT, Chicago) as well as an Urban Planner (UPV, Valencia)

She has achieved a PhD program (DEA) with a thesis in Qualitative Criteria for Lighting Design in Educational Environments. She has wide experience in consulting and research services on sustainable urban development and green buildings. She has participated in projects such as Ecodistr-ICT (FP7) and in other Climate KIC initiatives such as in the program Smart Sustainable Districts.


Héctor Muñoz
Architect (UPV, Valencia)

He achieved several recognitions, one by the UPV as the graduate with the best academic records of his promotion; and also the Arquia Foundation 2015 scholarship to collaborate in an international architecture studio specialized in thermodynamics and sustainability. He has participated in the design of a recognized smart and sustainable district in Valencia, as well as he is specialized of measuring climate parameters of the urban space..He has been involved in several international workshops on urban planning and sustainability in the ZHAW Institute for Urban Landscape in Zurich, L’École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture of Paris La Villette, or in the Polytechnic University of Valencia with the ISA lab challenge 2017 program.


Lisa Eichler

Lisa Eichler’s main expertise centres on policy, economic and financial analysis of topics relevant for the transition towards a low-carbon, climate-resilient economy. In particular, Lisa’s interest and experience over the past 10 years focuses on climate change adaptation and its interlinkages with biodiversity / natural capital, as well as disaster risk and resilience. Lisa has been closely involved in various projects for the European Institutions and others delivering expert advice and gaining an in-depth understanding of nature-based-solutions related content, as well as policy developments across Europe. Lisa has a M.Sc. in Environmental Management and a M.A. in Global Public Policy.


Laura Baroni

Laura Baroni has been a consultant at Trinomics since March 2016. She holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Salzburg, a Master’s in Environmental Science and Management from the Free University Brussels, and a Master’s in EU Studies from Leiden University. At Trinomics, Laura is currently contributing to several studies related to biodiversity and green infrastructure. Prior to joining Trinomics, Laura worked as a trainee in the Biodiversity Unit of DG Environment, European Commission, and as a researcher at the University of Salzburg (where she taught, amongst others, a course on EU Environmental Policy).


Birgit Georgi

Birgit Georgi is a senior expert and has a long-standing professional experience in the areas of climate change adaptation, environment and urban development. In particular during her 10 year assignment with the European Environment Agency she gained comprehensive knowledge on the European perspective and European policies in her field. She conducted key publication such as ‘Urban Adaptation to Climate Change in Europe’ (2012 and 2016), ‘Financing urban adaptation to climate change’ (2017), ‘Adaptation of transport to climate change in Europe’ (2014) that supported municipalities and urban policy-makers across Europe. She prefers working closely with the respective target groups, like of local stakeholders, in the form interactive co-creation processes. For examples, she co-initiated and co-organised the annual networking event ‘Open European Day Resilient Cities’. Birgit is a planner and holds a degree in Landscape architecture (Diplom-engineer) of the Technical University Dresden in Germany.


Jurgen Vermeulen

Jurgen Vermeulen is a consultant in the field of environment and sustainability policy at Trinomics. Throughout his six years of experience in research and consultancy for public and private clients, Jurgen has specialised in analysing the nexus between environment, sustainability and economics. Amongst others, he has extensive experience in cost benefit assessments and market analyses. For example, he developed a cost-effectiveness analysis of green infrastructure measures for flood-risk reduction. As part of many Sustainability Impact Assessments of EU trade agreements, he led the analyses of impacts on biodiversity, waste, water, air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Jurgen obtained his MSc. in International Economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (cum laude).


Graeme Nicholls

Graeme Nicholls is a trainee consultant at Trinomics specialised in ecosystem services. He graduated from the Vrije University Amsterdam with a MSc in Environment and Resource Management, gaining a well-rounded knowledge of environmental governance, policy and environmental economics. His thesis was integrated with an internship at Natuurverdubbelaars, in which he developed a methodological framework to be published within the Natural Capital Protocol. At Trinomics, Graeme has been working on projects supporting the implementation of Target 2 of the EU’s biodiversity strategy and assessing the knowledge base on society’s dependence on natural capital.


Pilar Diaz
Paisaje Transversal

Architect by Polytechnic University of Valencia, Master’s degree in Environment Studies and Bioclimatic Architecture by European University of Madrid and Specialization Course in Basic Habitability and Urbanism in Polytechnic University of Madrid. She worked as Bioclimatic Architect designer for two years before founding PAISAJE TRANSVERSAL. She is currently partner in charge of Innovation and Methodology and coordinates the Participation and Urban Regeneration projects in the office. She has coordinated the citizen involved processes in two european projects as MiciudadAC2 in Malaga and Rehabitat in Zaragoza.
Iñaki Romero
Paisaje Transversal

Architect by Polytechnic University of Madrid, UPM. He has worked in the most important Spanish city planning offices developing urban and territorial projects, before founding PAISAJE TRANSVERSAL. As partner of the office he has coordinated several participation and urban analysis projects and has the overall organization role. He has actively participates in all the European projects of the office: Rehabitat, MiCiudadAC2, Transcreativa. Indeed, he has worked as architect in development cooperation in Perú and talks German. He is skilled in urban planning, geographic information systems, urban regeneration and city applied participation.