

Our Rivers Our City: A Strategy for Revitalising Manchester’s River Valleys and Urban Waters

“Our River Our City” is the most comprehensive re-assessment and appraisal of Manchester’s three main river valleys ever undertaken. The development of this Strategy was undertaken by consultants TEP in partnership with the Groundwork Trust and Mersey Rivers Trust.

It is a bold and ambitious ten year plan, taking on board and developing further new concepts such as sponge city thinking, where permeability and landscape-led approaches are the norm not the exception.

It has been developed collaboratively – even during the pandemic, the Groundwork Trust endeavoured to engage, involve, inform and survey those interested  in the City’s River Valleys.

In addition to an overarching strategy for the City, individual long term action plans have been co-developed for the Rivers  Irk, Mersey and Medlock Valley.

You can access the full strategy here.

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