Develop financial plan

For your nature-based solutions strategy to be implemented, it will need funding. The options for funding specific nature-based solutions should be considered and compiled into an overall financing strategy and associated work plan.

Example: A financing strategy.

Coming soon.

GrowGreen tools:
Approaches to financing nature-based solutions in cities, working document
Trinomics for GrowGreen

Taking action to mobilise finance for creating green cities

External guidance and resources:
Green Infrastructure in Parks: A Guide to Collaboration, Funding, and Community Engagement

Finance for City Leaders Handbook

Climate Adapt: Financing urban adaptation to climate change

Investing in nature: financing conservation and nature-based solutions – A practical guide for Europe
European Investment Bank

Guide to Multi-Benefit Cohesion Policy Investments in Nature and Green Infrastructure
European Commission, Regional and Urban Development

The demand for financing climate projects in cities
C40 cities, CDP, Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy

Business Model Catalogue

Innovative financing schemes
Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy