

The city of Zadar adopts a Nature-based Solutions Action Plan

In the frame of the GrowGreen project, all partner cities are working to develop and adopt a document that will define the implementation of nature-based solutions in each city for climate change adaptation.

In December 2021, the Nature-based Solutions Action Plan for the City of Zadar was adopted.

This Action Plan is developed as an implementation document of the Programme for Air Protection, Ozone Layer, Climate Change Mitigation, and Climate Change Adaptation for the City of Zadar for the period 2020-2024 and the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP).

The Programme and the SECAP represent two key documents of the City of Zadar which address climate change adaptation and which, among other things, define measures for climate change adaptation based on nature. The Action Plan relies on measures defined in these two documents and elaborates certain measures in more detail.

Based on the measures defined in the Programme and SECAP, within this Action Plan, the following nature-based solutions were identified as priorities for implementation in the City of Zadar: greening, tree planting, expansion and improvement of stormwater drainage systems using natural solutions, retention infiltration areas in Novi Bokanjac, and implementation of permeable surfaces.

More information on the Action Plan can be accessed (in Croatian) here.