NBS Business Models search engine

Objective of the tool:

To offer a first orientation and inspiration to decision-makers on the type of interventions using Natural Based Solutions may be most appropriate for them, considering the specific problems they want to solve in their cities or companies, or the objectives they intend to achieve.

How does it work?

Select in the browser the value propositions (problems you want to solve, or goals you want to achieve) in decreasing order. With each choice, you will reduce the number of resulting interventions, where only the business cases containing the selected value propositions will remain visible.

What is the result of the search?

After making your value proposition choices, you will get one or more interventions that match your selection. You will get:

  1. The Business Case of the intervention
  2. The NBS Business Canvas of the intervention
  3. A link with more related information from the document “Compendium of NBS and grey solutions” developed by GrowGreen.